Among the refractive errors affecting children’s eyes, the most prominent one is myopia. What is a cause of concern is that myopia begins in childhood and as early as seven years. Unfortunately, parents often fail to take note of the symptoms of myopia and allow the disorder to progress.
So, if your child complains of headache, squints when watching the television, or fail to concentrate in the studies, it could be that your child is suffering from myopia. Cases of myopia or nearsightedness among children are on the rise and the tendency increases with age. Usually, myopia is managed with prescription glasses and high-end lenses like MiyoSmart but what parents need to care about are ways to stop the progression of the disease by identifying the risk factors.
Risk factors contributing to the development of myopia in children
Although the exact cause of myopia development in children is not known but there are more risk factors you need to know and here they are:
· Genetics
Children having two myopic parents are more likely to contract the disorder and quickly. However, even when one parent is nearsighted, the risk of developing the refractive errors is three to four times than with both parents. Although the genetic reason cannot be altered, identifying this factor and modifying the condition with behaviour and lifestyle changes make sense. Research reveals that healthy factors can delay the onset of refractive error in children.
· Nearsighted activities
It is believed that when children read books more often than they should, watch television from close distance, or engaged in too many nearsighted activities frequently, they may develop myopia. This includes all kinds of near work performed at a distance of less than 20cm and durations of 45 minute or longer aids myopia progression. The evidence that children have lowered risk of myopia progression when they spend substantial time outdoors supports that screen time impacts myopia. Parents need to make their kids wear spectacles from the early age to regulate the progression of the disease. With superior Hoya lenses in Malaysia, myopia management has become easier.
· Age
Age is another risk factors related to myopia. The younger is the child with nearsightedness, faster is the disease. By the time, the child is 11or 12 years, myopia may attain full form and wearing prescription glass is essential. You need to consult your eye care specialist and learn about the correct steps that will help children overcome vision difficulties and lead to improved eyesight.
· Habits and lifestyle
There is a flurry of evidence that children following unhealthy lifestyle may also suffer from myopia. Factors like increased use of digital devices and looking at digital screen for long period are associated with the risk of developing myopia.
· Eye examination schedule
If a child has one or both parents with myopia, not conducting eye examinations is a mistake. Keeping up with eye examinations regularly ensures that the degree of myopia can be well managed with appropriate lenses. With MiyoSmart lenses, nearsightedness can be well taken care of and help prevent the progression of myopia. You can follow this schedule of eye examination:
1. The first eye examination should take place at six months
2. The next set of tests should be carried out at 3-5 years
3. The third set of examination needs to begin in the first grade
4. From middle school onwards, the examination needs to take place each year
· Reading in dim light
You are familiar that increased hours of near work like reading, staring at the mobile screen, and playing video games is associated with the risk of myopia development. Moreover, continuing these activities in dim light may lead to myopia progression.
· Binocular vision issues
Myopia has long been associated with enhanced accommodative convergence and lack of accommodative behaviour. So, managing this condition with not only prevents the risk of myopia progression but help with the treatment as well. Additionally, the status of binocular vision is related to a child’s visual comfort and may impact their schoolwork.
Watching myopic behaviour in children is the first step to prevent the progression of the refractive error. Moreover, when myopia is detected, parents need to encourage their kids to wear myopia glasses. At Malaya Optical, we have qualified optometrists conducting eye examinations in children and adults and stock eyeglasses and lenses of the top eyewear brands around the globe. Explore our products and services here and choose the best that suits your child’s needs.
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